XIAN is a graduation short film made at Georges Méliès school by Roxane Campoy Myriame Belkheyar, Pauline Ledu and Gwenaelle Bavoux
Roxane Campoy : Art Direction, visual development, concept art, Character Design ( Emperor, Eunuque, Blue dragon) , background, frise 2D, animation 2D, matte painting, color board, compositing
Myriam Belkheyar : Storyboard, Sculpt, Rig, animation 2D/3D, Editing
Pauline Ledu : Character Design ( painter, yellow dragon) Sculpt, Rig, animation 2D/3D
Gwenaelle Bavoux : Pipeline, Sculpt props, Lighting, FX, texturing, compositing
Making of : behance.net/gallery/54626541/XIAN
Music: Stéphane Gassot
Final Mix: Olivier Michelot
Voice : Doug Rand
© Ecole Georges Méliès - 2017